Cambodia’s premium rice gets certfied

The Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have officially unveiled the Certification Mark “Malys Angkor” as the top brand for Cambodian premium rice. Malys Angkor will be the brand name for premium rice such as somaly, jasmine, phka romduol, phka chansensor, phka Romdeng, phka romeat [...]

Cambodia’s premium rice gets certfied2023-10-03T14:18:25+00:00

how to pick up the right rice

There are 40,000 Types of Rice in the World—Here's How to Pick the One You Need The good news is that with a fairly rudimentary understanding of how rice is classified, you can pick the type of rice that’s right for the job and make a pot of whatever type you chose. Rice is [...]

how to pick up the right rice2023-10-03T14:17:25+00:00

the best rice in the world

Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo, a facilisis dui tempus id. Pellentesque lacinia eget massa in commodo. Pellentesque faucibus rutrum velit, et maximus velit bibendum et. Aenean varius, leo non venenatis feugiat, erat elit interdum ligula, in viverra diam.

the best rice in the world2023-10-08T12:54:07+00:00

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